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Epaulets (Capas)

In this post I'm going to upload all epaulets except Costumes Epaulets (EOS,EOF,EOG and Costumes Epaulets) so enjoy it.

Epaulets (Cloaks) are special Items that, when equipped, increase certain stats. There are variying types of these Items. Epaulets are somewhat expensive to buy from other players, because of their rarity. Also, these are famed for their powerful effects:

EOS(Epaulet Of Sage):It is the blue one is an item used to increase Magic attack strength, magical hit rate and HP is recommended to FA (Force Archers), WI (Wizards), Force Shielders (FS) and Force Bladers (FB).

You must be level 43 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Aramid, Shadowsteel set.
  • Magic +5
  • Attack Rate +20
  • HP + 50
FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI


You must be level 56 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with Bluestin set.
  • Magic +7
  • Attack Rate +30
  • HP + 100

You must be level 69 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Titanium Set.
  • Magic +10
  • Attack Rate +40
  • Magic Skill Amp +2%
  • HP + 150
FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

Shadow Epaulet Of Sage +5

You must be level 75 and up to wear this.The epaulet will only show with Shadow titanium set.
  • Magic +15
  • Attack Rate +45
  • Magic Skill Amp +2%
  • HP+ 175

WA and FS

You must be level 82 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show while wearing a complete set of Osmium.
  • Magic +20
  • Attack Rate +50
  • Magic Skill Amp +3%
  • HP + 200

FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

EOF(Epaulet Of Figther):Is the red one is an item used to increase Attack strength, hit rate and HP.


You must be level 43 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Aramid, Shadowsteel set.
  • Attack +5
  • Attack Rate +20
  • HP + 50

FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

You must be level 56 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with Bluestin set.
  • Attack +7
  • Attack Rate +30
  • HP + 100

FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI


You must be level 69 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Titanium Set.
  • Attack +10
  • Attack Rate +40
  • Sword Skill Amp +2%
  • HP+150

FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

Shadow Epaulet Of Figther+5
You must be level 75 and up to wear this.The epaulet will only show with Shadow titanium set.
  • Attack +15
  • Attack Rate + 45
  • Sword Skill Amp + 2%
  • HP+ 175

WA and FS

You must be level 82 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show while wearing a complete set of Osmium.
  • Attack +20
  • Attack Rate +50
  • Sword Skill Amp +3%
  • HP + 200

FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

Epaulet of Guardian (EOG):Is the one that match the color of armor that you're wearing is an item used to increases defense strength, defense rate and HP is recommended for classes that need defense either for PvP or PvE.

You must be level 43 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Aramid, Shadowsteel set.
  • Defense +5
  • Defense Rate +20
  • HP + 50
You must be level 56 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with Bluestin set.
  • Defense +10
  • Defense Rate +25
  • Flee Rate +1%
  • HP +100
FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

You must be level 69 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Titanium Set.
  • Defense +15
  • Defense Rate +30
  • Flee Rate. +2%
  • HP + 150
FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

Shadow Epaulet Of Guardian+5
You must be level 75 and up to wear this.The epaulet will only show with Shadow titanium set.


You must be level 82 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show while wearing a complete set of Osmium.
  • Defense +20
  • Defense Rate +35
  • Flee Rate +3%
  • HP + 200

FA and FB

WA and FS

BL and WI

I will be uploading all epaulets images just wait ^^

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