La mayoria de las entradas vienen con traduccion al español busquen al final de la entrada ^^. Please reload the page and the logo will accommodate Im trying to fix it.( Por favor recargen la pagina para que el logo se acomode ando viendo como arreglarlo.) :P
(Tambien con traduccion ;D) Siena The Queen - The II Part The second part of the latest CABAL expansion.
▼ The Altar of Siena - a new end-game raiding dungeon to explore, with a series of encounters that require brains as well as brawn. ▼ The ‘Blended Runes’ - a series of craftable stat-increasing items, which allow for greater character customisation. ▼ The Panic Cave - an exhilarating fight against the clock, providing solo players with an exciting and rewarding challenge. Coming in three different levels – easy, medium and hard – it is not a task for the feint hearted, with the fast paced nature of this dungeon requiring you to master your character’s abilities (as well as your senses). ▼ Improvements to the Guild System – Addition of levels and the guild storage function. ▼ Linking System – Ability to show your fellow player a location on the map or a piece of your equipment. ▼ New Binding Options – Addition of ‘Bind on Equip’ items, allowing for an increase to the high-end equipment drop rates. ▼ Item shop additions - a range of new items for you to enjoy! More information Cabal Siena The Queen
This update will have a new dungeon, high-level items and bonus "Soul skill system, the update has once again built on the games solid foundations, adding content for players of all levels to enjoy. Notable features of the update included:
The Altar of Siena
A new dungeon for higher level players. Located deep inside the Mutant Forest: Level Requirement: Character lv. 135, Battle Style 11 Entrance item: Sienna Document B1F Entrance location: Mutant Forest (X: 123, Y:97) Entrance item can be bought from Grocer at Port Lux
The Soul System
A new option for character development, allowing you to spend Soul experience points, gained during normal game play, on a series of new skills and powers. Potential benefits include increasing your personal gold drop rate, boosting attributes or even increasing the amount of experience you receive from each monster kill.
A new set for each class. The new range of Sig-Metal armours will give you even more options when equipping your character for battle. The fantastic design of the armour is the first aspect that will attract you, while the defence rating is even higher than the redosmium grade of armour. Be warned though, the secrets of crafting this armour is not available to even the best crafters in Nevareth, and will only be available to those brave enough to venture into the hardest dungeons.
Drop Place Altar Of Siena
Improved security
The sub-prime system allows players to set a four digit password on equipment, storage or even a character, reducing the risk of losing your hard-earned items to an account breach.
Traduccion: Esta actualizacion va a presentar un nuevo calabozo, items de nivel alto y el Sistema Soul skill. Caracteristicas notables como:
Altar Of Siena Un nuevo calabozo para jugadores de nivel alto. Localizado en Mutant Forest. Nivel requerido: 135, Battle Style 11 Pase de entrada: Sienna Document B1F Localizado en: Mutant Forest (X: 123, Y:97) El pase lo puedes comprar al Grocer de Port Lux
Soul System Una nueva opcion para el desarrollo de tu personaje, permitiendote gastar Soul experience points, ganados jugando normalmente, dandote una nueva serie de skills y poderes. Beneficos potenciales incluyendo aumentar la caida de dinero, incrementar tus atributos o hasta la cantidad de experiencia que te dan los mobs por muerte.
SIG-Metal Una nueva arma y armadura para cada clase. Las nuevas armaduras SIG-Metal te daran mas opciones equipando a tu personaje para la batalla. El fantastico diseño de la armadura es el primer aspecto que te atraera, tambien q su defensa es mas alta que el redosmium. El SIG-Metal no va a poder ser crafteado, y solo va a estar disponible para los suficientemente valientes a aventurarse en las mazmorras mas dificiles.
Improved security Este sistema permite a los jugadores a establecer una contraseña de cuatro digitos en el equipo, baul o hasta en personaje, reduciendo la posibilidad de perder tus items.
Siena The Queen - La II Parte La segunda parte de la ultima expansion de Cabal.
▼ Altar of Siena - Un nuevo final para explorar esta mazmorra, con una serie de encuentros que requiere inteligencia y fuerza. ▼ ‘Blended Runes’ - Una serie de items que aumentan tus estatus y van a poder crearse por medio del "craft" , que permite una mejor personalizacion de tu personaje. ▼ Panic Cave - Una emocionate pelea contra-reloj, proporcionando a solo players(un solo jugador) un excitante y gratificante desafio. Teniendo 3 modos de dificultad – easy(facil), medium(medio) y hard(dificil) – no es una labor para los que padecen del corazon. ▼ Mejoras al Sitema del Clan – Adicion de niveles y la función de almacenamiento del clan. ▼ Sistema de Enlace – Una nueva abilidad para mostrar a tus amigos jugadores un lugar en el mapa o una parte de tu equipo. ▼ Nuevas Opciones "Binding" – Se inculeye ‘Bind en qeuipo’ items, permitiendo un aumento en el drop rate(% de caida del item) de equipos. ▼ Nuevos items en la cash shop - Una nueva serie de items para que los disfrutes!
Yep Chaos Arena is OPEN from NOW ON (13/10/2009)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeeee como han visto se abrira Chaos Arena esta ABIERTA a partir de hoy (13/10/2009). Disfrutenlan mientras yo no puedo (╥﹏╥)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is Chaos Arena:
A ten minute introduction movie of the Chaos Arena
The Chaos Arena is a special dungeon that can only be accessed 6 times each day. To access the Chaos Arena, you will need to craft a Miracle Key and use it on the special sign in Bloody Ice. Once there, your party will face terrible odds and a Final Mob Boss, each of which grows more powerful based on the level of the Chaos Arena you challenge. Here are the basics that you will need to know about the Chaos Arena:
Before you can enter the Chaos Arena, you need to craft a Miracle Key. Miracle Keys can be crafted by any character regardless of their crafting level with a 100% success rate as long as they have all of the necessary recipe items. There are five levels of Miracle Keys that can be created from crafting items and formula card which are dropped by monsters.
The Chaos Arena can only be accessed at certain times during the day on specific channels. These times and channels will be posted on our website and, if there are any changes, a GM will announce them in-game. Once you have a Miracle Key for your level, go to the sign posted next to the Core Alchemist in Bloody Ice (X,Y: 11,30) on one of the Chaos Arena channels to access the Arena. Only 21 players can access each level of the Chaos Arena at one time so, if you are not one of the first 21 from your level range on each of these channels, you will have to wait until the next time the Chaos Arena becomes available.
Each Chaos Arena is only open 25 minutes including waiting time and the entrance gate will automatically disappear 5 minutes after the Chaos Arena opens. The Arena is randomly filled with various monsters that offer high level drops. As time passes, the monsters that spawn into the Arena grow stronger until the Final Mob Boss appears. The Chaos Arena stays up until either the Final Mob Boss is killed or 25 minutes have passed. Players who die in the Chaos Arena will be instantly expelled from the Arena. If you have an Odd Circle, you can use it once, but after that you cannot get back into the Chaos Arena.
Aqui tienen la traduccion ^^:
(Luego posteare que es "craft" y como lo podemos hacer :P Que es la Chaos Arena:
La Chaos Arena es una mazmorra especial que solo se puede entrar 6 veces cada dia. Para poder entrar necesitaras "craftear" una Miracle Key y luego usarla en el signo encontrado en Bloody Ice. Ya ahi, tu grupo enfrentara un terrible Jefe Final, que sera mas fuerte basado en el nivel de Chaos Arena que estes. Aqui esta las cosas basicas que necesitas saber de la Chaos Arena:
Antes de que puedas entrar a la Chaos Arena, necesitas "craftear" una Miracle Key como lo estaba diciendo anteriormente. Miracle Keys pueden ser "crafteadas" por un personaje indipendientemente de su nivel de "craft" con un 100% de tasa de exito mientras tengan todos los accesorios para la receta. Hay 5 niveles de Miracle Keys que pueden ser creados por medio del "craft" y por formula cards estas ultimas botadas por los mounstruos (mobs).
La Chaos Arena solo se puede entrar durante ciertas horas durante el dia en canales especificos. Estos items y caneles estaran en el sitio web de tu respectivo servidor de Cabal, y si hay algun cambio el GM (Game Master) lo anunciaracon un msj dentro del juego. Una vez que tengas la Miracle Key para tu erspectivo nivel, ve al signo encontrado cerca del Core Alchemist in Bloody Ice (X,Y: 11, 30) para entrar a la Chaos Arena, Solo 21 jugadores poduden entrar de cada nivel de Chaos Arena, esto quiere decir que si no eras de los primeros 21 jugadores de tu rango de nivel tendras que esperar hasta la proxima vez.
Cada Chaos Arena es unicamente abierta por 25 minutos incluyendo el tiempo de espera en la puerta de entrada que desaparecera automaticamente 5 minutos despues de que la Chaos Arena sea abierta. La Arena va a estar llenada aleatoriamente con varios mounstruos que ofreceran "high level-drops"(items botados de niveles altos o items *.* xD). Mientras el tiempo pasa, los mobs que engendran seran cada vez mas fuertes hasta que el Jefe Final aparece. La Chaos Arena se cerrara hasta que el Jefe Final este muerto o que pasen los 25 minutos. Los jugadores que mueran dentro de la Chaos Arena seran instantaneamente expulsados de la Arena. Si tienes un Odd Circle (Sirve para resucitar), lo puedes usar pero una solo vez despues si vuelves a morir ya no podras volver a la Chaos Arena.
Hi people!!! I'm going to talk a little bit of Cabal Online:
Cabal Online is a free to play, 3D massively-multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), developed by South Korean company ESTsoft. Different versions of the game are available for specific countries or regions.
This is my second time playing Cabal in my opinion is the best MMORPG that I had play but thats only in my opinion. I had play on Cabal Comunidad Zero (WA lvl 130 :P) and now I'm playing on Cabal Global (FA lvl 45 :D) I have gained a lot of experience play Cabal Zero so if you have any question let me now :D. And if I dont know the answer I would look for it.
Now lets talk about History:
The game takes place in a mythical world known as Nevareth, which was destroyed by an evil entity known as the CABAL. Out of the survivors, seven "Masters" rose up, each wielding the abilities of the "Force Power". These masters taught the people, and Nevareth was rebuilt. Years later, the CABAL is plotting a return to power, and the characters of the game take up the role of heroes who battle the CABAL uprising and conspiracy.
Maps: Theres a lot of maps so I would only talk about the principal maps
Bloody Ice
Here it starts the Warriors and Force Shielders, only here you can find their suits and weapons until bluestin.
Desert Scream(DS)
Here it starts the Blader and Wizard, only here you can find their suits and weapons until bluestin.
Green Despair
Here it starts the Force Archer and Force Blader only here you can find their suit and weapons until Bluestin.
Fuck esta es mi historia perdiendo Cabal T_T! Bueno yo andaba buscando una clave para un programa asi q me meti a una pag. al meterme mi antivirus se dio cuenta de un virus y lo borro pero como 6 min despues se cerraron todas las ventanas y se reinicio.Despues me salio una alerta del "Security Center" que era falso de q habia un virus llamado Conflicker.C aparecian varios botones que ya no me acuerdo, buscando encontre varios programillas para borrar este virus pero ninguna encontro nada asi que tuve que formatearla y al jefe de mi hermano le dieron el Windows 7 (en resumen tiene la apariencia del Vista y la eficiencia del XP) ya sin ser beta para las empresas (despues pense que una empresa no jugaria Cabal y se me vino la respuesta a la cabeza xD) entonces lo instalamos ¿Porque no? busque informacion en varios foros donde decia que no servia pero la tentacion me mataba xP y lo instale, no me arrepiento pero les aconsejaria q se esperen a el 22 Octubre que lo saquen para todo el mundo por cierto el mejor Windows que ha creado microsoft.Pero pronto estare jugando wuajajaja :D
Fuck this is my history loosing Cabal T_T! Well I was looking a serial for a program so I open a page when i was in the page my antivirus noticed a virus that it instantly deleted but 6 min later all the windows were closed and the PC restarted.Later there was an alert from a false "Security Center" that my PC was infected from a virus called Conflicker.C, looking in the internet i found some programs to delete this virus but it didnt work so i format my PC, my brother boss has the Windows 7 (a OS with Vista appearance and XP efficiency) it isnt beta for companies (later a think that a companie it wouldn't play Cabal xD) so we installed W7 ¿Why not? i found information that said Cabal no good ... xD that Cabal doesnt work on W7 yet but the temptation kill me xP so I installed the OS, I dont regreat but I would advice you to wait until W7 official release 22 October certainly the best Windows created by microsoft.But soon i will be playing wuajajaja :D
In this post I'm going to upload all epaulets except Costumes Epaulets (EOS,EOF,EOG and Costumes Epaulets) so enjoy it.
Epaulets (Cloaks) are special Items that, when equipped, increase certain stats. There are variying types of these Items. Epaulets are somewhat expensive to buy from other players, because of their rarity. Also, these are famed for their powerful effects:
EOS(Epaulet Of Sage):It is the blue one is an item used to increase Magic attack strength, magical hit rate and HP is recommended to FA (Force Archers), WI (Wizards), Force Shielders (FS) and Force Bladers (FB).
EOS+3 You must be level 43 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Aramid, Shadowsteel set.
Magic +5
Attack Rate +20
HP + 50
FA and FB WA and FS BL and WI
EOS+4 You must be level 56 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with Bluestin set.
Magic +7
Attack Rate +30
HP + 100
EOS+5 You must be level 69 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Titanium Set.
Magic +10
Attack Rate +40
Magic Skill Amp +2%
HP + 150
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
Shadow Epaulet Of Sage +5 You must be level 75 and up to wear this.The epaulet will only show with Shadow titanium set.
Magic +15
Attack Rate +45
Magic Skill Amp +2%
HP+ 175
WA and FS
EOS+6 You must be level 82 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show while wearing a complete set of Osmium.
Magic +20
Attack Rate +50
Magic Skill Amp +3%
HP + 200
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
EOF(Epaulet Of Figther):Is the red one is an item used to increase Attack strength, hit rate and HP.
EOF+3 You must be level 43 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Aramid, Shadowsteel set.
Attack +5
Attack Rate +20
HP + 50
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
EOF+4 You must be level 56 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with Bluestin set.
Attack +7
Attack Rate +30
HP + 100
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
EOF+5 You must be level 69 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Titanium Set.
Attack +10
Attack Rate +40
Sword Skill Amp +2%
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
Shadow Epaulet Of Figther+5 You must be level 75 and up to wear this.The epaulet will only show with Shadow titanium set.
Attack +15
Attack Rate + 45
Sword Skill Amp + 2%
HP+ 175
WA and FS
EOF+6 You must be level 82 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show while wearing a complete set of Osmium.
Attack +20
Attack Rate +50
Sword Skill Amp +3%
HP + 200
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
Epaulet of Guardian (EOG):Is the one that match the color of armor that you're wearing is an item used to increases defense strength, defense rate and HP is recommended for classes that need defense either for PvP or PvE.
EOG+3 You must be level 43 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Aramid, Shadowsteel set.
Defense +5
Defense Rate +20
HP + 50
EOG+4 You must be level 56 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with Bluestin set.
Defense +10
Defense Rate +25
Flee Rate +1%
HP +100
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
EOG+5 You must be level 69 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show with the Titanium Set.
Defense +15
Defense Rate +30
Flee Rate. +2%
HP + 150
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
Shadow Epaulet Of Guardian+5 You must be level 75 and up to wear this.The epaulet will only show with Shadow titanium set.
EOG+6 You must be level 82 and up to wear this. The epaulet will only show while wearing a complete set of Osmium.
Defense +20
Defense Rate +35
Flee Rate +3%
HP + 200
FA and FB
WA and FS
BL and WI
I will be uploading all epaulets images just wait ^^